Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On 11/10/2009 by Centro De Cursos Prematrimoniales in , , , , , ,    No comments
A behavior, an attitude, and a mission. Have you ever been lost in the crowd, felt like the lost sheep, not recognized, or perhaps even outcasted? Well don't feel to bad, most people who warm up the seats at theatres, conferences and even pews feel the same way. For some incredible reason no matter how many people occupy a room, or come in close proximity of each other, something is lacking or perhaps even missing and that something is God.

Each one of us is fearfully designed to need the warmth and companionship of each other and our Creator, as one big happy family God established the uniqueness of friendship and the bonds of humanity which cries for recognition, appreciation, and love. Absolutely nothing in all creation can replace the unconditional love of the Father and his presence in the hearts and minds of his children.

Jesus Christ, full of grace and mercy, sat with individuals that no one would even dare fellowship with, the Messiah taught us the heartfelt warmth of a God who seeked to dine with tax collectors and even prostitutes. In the eyes of the Lord we are all valuable and considered the "apple of his eyes". That is why I AM Ministries is purposed to change the way evanglism is performed. Simply handing out tracks, and having a half hour conversation with no intent to change a life will not cut it. We are purposed to sit and dine with the lost, the deprived, and the less fortuante. Our hands will extend to the corners that no one is willing to go, and intimately share the truth and love of Jesus Christ soul to soul.

For the Word of God says in John 10:3-4; "The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice." Jesus knows your name, and he is calling out to you. Listen, and open the door to your heart, and he will refresh you with rivers of living waters, which no man can quench.

If you would like to learn more about service and/or our soul to soul mission feel free to attend one of our weekly services and ask for more information. You may also request more information by clicking here and filling out our request form. A ministry representative will contact you as soon as your requests are known and we have the information to assist you.


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