Sunday, January 10, 2010

On 1/10/2010 by Centro De Cursos Prematrimoniales in , , , , , ,    No comments
Happy New Year, and God bless all of our NACM family and friends. It is my sincere prayer and hope that this letter finds you filled with the grace, power and love of Almighty God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As we whine down the last hours of the 2009 season it is easy to reflect on all the things which have transpired in the past year. For many of us, we can testify of God’s awesome goodness and provision for our lives, and for others we can easily be tempted to ponder and rate our short comings and mistakes. With the sight of Christ before us, and the 2010 season at hand, his precious call continues to echo through the earth seeking for faithful servants to take the stand and fight the good fight of faith. If you have been faithful continue to be faithful, if you have been diligent continue to be diligent, if you have been of help continue to help. I encourage all of you to submit all your thoughts, worries, and concerns to Christ before embarking in your 2010 itinerary and wrap yourself in his grace and mercy so that you may be filled with his power, hope and love.

This New Year is demanding from all of us who are called to be part of the NACM family, and who are considered to be part of the body of Christ, to grow in the spirit of unity and honor those who are so diligently working to provide an opportunity for individuals to fulfill their call. NACM was created to unite those who are called to work and serve the Lord Jesus Christ in this generation and generations to come. It is my contention that Christ eagerly desires for us, as his children, to hold fast to the testimony he has built in us and not allow sin to tarnish the credible Gospel for which our Savior died. Let your leadership in 2010 be one of example, and let your words and actions be found credible before God. For the growth of NACM is dependent upon the spiritual growth of its leaders, and the revelation of God’s Kingdom can only be unleashed and attained in the spirit of unity and his anointing (Psalm 133).

Are you ready for an awesome 2010? Are you ready for showers of blessings? Are you to be filled with the Spirit of Christ? Are you ready to be immersed in his goodness and presence? Then scream out this day and let your God know how ready you are! Lay it – and let it all out, surrender your crown, surrender your ambitions, surrender your dreams that you may attain the giver of dreams this day and begin your new year with not just good plans but Godly plans. May the Spirit of the living Christ dwell upon you and may you see the windows of heaven open up this New Year.

Reflect on what has transpired, identify your transition, and testify of your transformation!


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