Saturday, September 25, 2010

On 9/25/2010 by Centro De Cursos Prematrimoniales in , , , , , ,    No comments
For God optioned to reveal his eternal forgiveness toward us, so that we can understand the magnitude of our own corrupted condition and his vast salvation. Throughout generations, we learn that history has a tendency to repeat itself. It is the same with all human beings, if left to sought things out on our own, we will be in an unending broken record, in a vicious cycle of immorality, corruption, and sin (separation from God). This condition literally restrains us from ever being able to live at peace with God, with man, and with thyself.

The words "forgive, as you have been forgiven" comes to mind when reflecting on this question, and God's immense love for me. For in the nature of my continual sin (separation from God) I was disabled from making and living righteously or ever living for my eternal purpose. I was limited, imprisoned, and in need of help, regarding my moral decisions and corrupt lifestyle. For God's eternal mercy, and unmerited favor, reached down and rescued my sinking soul. This depravity, and unconditional ruin was in need of a Savior, and that is why I can sing today "What can wash away my sin......Nothing but the blood of Jesus, What can make me whole again.......Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh precious is the flow......that makes me white as snow..........There's no other fount I know..........Nothing but the blood of Jesus". Thank you Jesus. :)


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