Wednesday, July 1, 2009

On 7/01/2009 by Centro De Cursos Prematrimoniales in ,    No comments

Bringing the "Bible to Life" is a wonderful way to fellowship on Friday Nights with your friends, families and/or co-workers. It is a time to be built up in your faith and enjoy your favorite beverage, popcorn, and/or 3D film.

We at I AM Ministries thought it necessary to provide our viewers with an opportunity to sit back and enjoy some good Bible Films. Most of our resources have been collected through an extensive research performed by our ministry's elders and are found to be closely accurate to the truths found within Holy Scripture. Even though some of the content has been modified for the showing of each film, you will be able to understand and grasp some of the incredible history and obstacles that the patriarchs of our faith had to endure.

Our ministers have gathered a collection of movies which will encourage you to laugh, take notes, and even cry.  Bring out your family, your friends, and the even the needed for this great time of fellowship and use it to refresh yourself and those you love.

If you would like to make a contribution to assist in the efforts of putting together this film composite, you may simply "click here" and follow the steps provided. Any contribution(s) provided will go into helping build the Kingdom of God and provide resources for the servants of God to continue to minister throughout the world.

If you or your organization would like more information about our ministry, service, or assistance feel free to contact us at


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