Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It is important that those who have ears listen, and those who have eyes see what the Spirit of the Lord is saying and doing.

Recently, in reflection of everything that is happening around the world and in the body of Christ today, it has come to our attention that we are in an incredible time in history. Ever since the foundations of the world, God has greatly desired to commune and dwell amongst his people. For thousands of years his voice has echoed throughout the heavens and earth calling out to his creation to turn back to the One True God and reverance him.

Jesus Christ the Son of God stepped down from his heavenly dwelling to come and redeem mankind from his corruptable nature caused by sin and rebellion. Jesus being in the very nature of God took the form of a man and as a servant came to reveal the Father to us. Since his first coming, death and resurrection all creation has been awaiting his return as he has promised. Many believe perhaps he was speaking figuratively and others literally. But, one thing is for sure; he said "I will return".

It is in light of this truth that I AM Ministries has purposed to prepare individuals, souls, and families to seek out the truths about our Lord Jesus Christ and his message. There is no greater joy than to know that your relationship with your creator is full of life, love and reverance. We encourage all believers and non-believers to participate in Churches where Jesus Christ is preached and exalted from its pulpits and services. We believe it is only in light of the Saviors message and truth that all mankind can be redeemed and restored.

We invite you to come and listen to the Word of God, experience his presence, and fellowship with the brethren in a warm cozy environment. We currently meet three times a week at our posted cell groups and Sunday's for corporate worship and prayer. If you are interested in more information about our ministry's mission, purpose and/or opportunites feel free to contact us by "clicking here".

Grace in Christ,

Pastor Andy Fernandez


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